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Dicksonia fibrosa


Golden Tree Fern


Dicksonia fibrosa is a species of tree fern in the family Dicksoniaceae. It is native to New Zealand, and is cultivated in mild places elsewhere.


Dicksonia fibrosa develops a trunk up to 6 m tall, which can become fairly wide, 60 cm or more at the base, from the rootlets that form. The trunk is also covered with dead fronds that hang from the top. Leaves are 2 m long, bi- or tripinnate, on short stipes. Stipes are densely covered with soft, pale reddish brown hairs, and so are the rachises, although they lose their hairs with age. The lamina of the leaf is lanceolate, leathery. Main leaflets are 15 to 30 cm long, between oblong and lanceolate, long-tipped, while subleaflets are up to 5 cm long and densely arranged. Subleaflets are deeply and pinnately lobed; the lobes have an acute-angle tip. Some lobes are rounded and have sori on the underside; the other lobes are somewhat falcate (hooked-shaped), less so than the fertile ones (Allan 1961).

Dicksonia fibrosa is similar to Dicksonia antarctica. The leaves are shorter than those of Dicksonia antarctica, and are slightly stiffer; in cultivation it tends to be shorter (Tryon and Tryon 1959).


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Dicksonia fibrosa is cultivated as an ornamental. It prefers moist and relatively shady soils, and is reportedly hardy to the UK (“Dicksonia fibrosa”).


Dicksonia fibrosa is found in lowland forests. It is native to both North Island, South Island, and the Chatham Islands of New Zealand (Allan 1961).



Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand. Vol. I. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. Wellington: Government Printer.

Dicksonia fibrosa. Plant Ident. [accessed 2019 Jun 13].

Tryon, R., and Tryon, A. 1959. Observations on Cultivated Ferns: The Hardy Species of Tree Ferns (Dicksonia and Cyatheaceae). American Fern Journal 49(4): 129–142.


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